

Eliminate Septic Tank Smells In Just 3 Days For Good!



Odd Flushing Trick Fixes All Septic Tank Issues

A team of 14 scientists from a prestigious university in US are behind a flushing trick that breaks down and eliminates all organic sludge from septic tanks, including natural oils, grease and organic hydrocarbons, and prevents back-ups, clogs, including corrosion.

Plus it eliminates all smells in just 3 days!

Over 21,374 septic tank owners have been using this trick and they are now saving close to $500 a year because they don’t need to have their septic tank pumped anymore.

And before we’ll reveal this newly discovered flushing trick, please answer the simple questions below to see if it can work for your septic tank as well!


Congratulations! Before you head to the next page where you’ll learn the Flushing Trick That Solves All Your Septic Tank Issues, we simply ask that each person agrees to the following guidelines:
  1. This info is ONLY for those who own a septic tank system and want to prevent possible problems at their septic system!
  2.  If there are over 7 people living in your house, be sure to do the flushing trick 3 times in your first month!
  3. This info is only being available for a short time frame. If you can’t follow the rules above, please CLOSE THIS WINDOW IMMEDIATELY to free up your slot for the next person in line.
If you agree to all of the above, click the “I Agree” button below NOW, to proceed to the next page! Septic Tank Quiz


Before you head to the next page where you’ll learn the Flushing Trick That Solves All Your Septic Tank Issues, we simply ask that each person agrees to the following guidelines:

  1. This info is ONLY for those who own a septic tank system and want to prevent possible problems at their septic system!
  2.  If there are over 7 people living in your house, be sure to do the flushing trick 3 times in your first month!
  3. This info is only being available for a short time frame. If you can’t follow the rules above, please CLOSE THIS WINDOW IMMEDIATELY to free up your slot for the next person in line.

If you agree to all of the above, click the “I Agree” button below NOW, to proceed to the next page!

Septic Tank Quiz


#1. Do you use bleach products in your house?


Before you head to the next page where you’ll learn the Flushing Trick That Solves All Your Septic Tank Issues, we simply ask that each person agrees to the following guidelines:

1. This info is ONLY for those who own a septic tank system and want to prevent possible problems at their septic system!

2. If there are over 7 people living in your house, be sure to do the flushing trick 3 times in your first month!

3. This info is only being available for a short time frame. If you can’t follow the rules above, please CLOSE THIS WINDOW IMMEDIATELY to free up your slot for the next person in line.

If you agree to all of the above, click the “I Agree” button below NOW, to proceed to the next page!

#2. When did you have your septic tank pumped the last time?

#3. How many people are living in your house?

#4. Have you ever used a septic tank treatment?


What is septic tank treatment and why is it important?

Septic tank treatment is the process of adding bacteria and enzymes to a septic tank to break down waste and prevent clogs. Septic tank treatment is important because it helps to keep the septic tank working properly and prevents problems like clogs, odors, and backups.

What are the benefits of septic tank treatment?

There are many benefits to septic tank treatment, including: 1. Septic tank treatment can help to prolong the life of your septic tank. 2. Septic tank treatment can help to keep your septic tank working properly. 3. Septic tank treatment can help to reduce the amount of sewage that is released into the environment. 4. Septic tank treatment can help to reduce the odors that are associated with septic tanks.

What are the key components of septic tank treatment?

There are many benefits to septic tank treatment, including: 1. Septic tank treatment can help to prolong the life of your septic tank. 2. Septic tank treatment can help to keep your septic tank working properly. 3. Septic tank treatment can help to reduce the amount of sewage that is released into the environment. 4. Septic tank treatment can help to reduce the odors that are associated with septic tanks.

How does septic tank treatment work?

A septic tank is a watertight chamber made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic, with an inlet and outlet pipe. Wastewater from the home flows into the septic tank, where solids settle to the bottom and scum floats to the top. Bacteria in the tank break down the solids, and the liquids flow out of the tank and into the leach field for further treatment.

What are the most common septic tank treatment problems?

There are a number of common septic tank treatment problems that can occur. These include: • Sludge build-up: This can happen when there is too much solid waste in the septic tank. This can happen if the tank is not big enough for the amount of waste being produced, or if the tank is not being cleaned out regularly.

How can septic tank treatment be prevented?

The most important thing that homeowners can do to prevent septic tank problems is to have the tank pumped and inspected regularly. Homeowners should also know where their septic tank is located and keep an eye out for any signs of problems, such as pooling water or sewage odors. Additionally, it is important to use water wisely and not overload the septic system with too much water at once. Homeowners should also avoid using chemicals or cleaners that could harm the septic system.

What are the signs that septic tank treatment is needed?

There are a few key signs that septic tank treatment is needed in order to maintain a healthy septic system. One sign is if the tank is full or has a lot of solids in it. This means that the tank needs to be pumped out and cleaned. Another sign is if there is a foul odor coming from the tank or drains. This is usually a sign of a clog or blockage somewhere in the system.

How often should septic tank treatment be performed?

The frequency of septic tank treatments depends on a number of factors, including the size of the tank, the number of people using the system, the amount of water used, and the type of system. For example, a small tank used by a family of four will need to be treated more often than a large tank used by a family of six. In general, septic tank treatments should be performed every three to five years.

What are the consequences of not performing septic tank treatment?

If septic tank treatment is not performed, the consequences can be very serious. The most common consequence is that the septic tank will become overloaded and will not be able to properly treat the sewage. This can lead to sewage backing up into the home, which can cause serious health problems. In addition, if the septic tank is not properly treated, it can leach harmful chemicals and pollutants into the ground, which can contaminate the groundwater.

How much does septic tank treatment cost?

The cost of septic tank treatment can vary greatly depending on the size and type of septic system, the amount of waste that needs to be treated, the location of the septic system, and the company that you choose to perform the treatment. Generally, septic tank treatments can range in price from $50 to $1,000 or more.